
Saturday, 8 March 2014


 The intrigue of their cultural mix, coupled with the exuberance of colorful dress code and tradition is as a result of Anton coming all the way from Trinidad & Tobago to find his Zulu love, Zola. Thanks to Anton and Zola for all those moments which stand out like monuments in my photographic eye.
 Amidst a cloud of hairspray, the transformation from beauty to bride unfolds. THanks to Ksenia from Frank Fowden Hair for the wonderful transformation (
 Never before have I seen a brides nail polish so perfectly matched with her bouquet. Flowers from heaven (http:/ did a magnificent job of sourcing this King protea at a time when they are out of season

 Romantic enough to make a sonnet blush. Zola's wedding dress thanks to Bride & Co (

Moyo's electrifying dancing, never missing a beat along wedding street
Amidst a sea of sounds and sparkling colour, the bride remains calm and focused on her man standing in the distance.
 If smiles had addresses, Anton's would have been: ' Speed services, The Moon'
Groom and Groomsmen suites from EuroSuit (

 Spier wine estate and Moyo restaurant doing a superb job of blending almost mythical entertainment with decor full of South African flavor. (

 Rings and things (
 Moments to cherish at the alter - giggling like cartoon mice and making me one happy photographer to catch the moment on camera.
 The symbolic sensation of being free in their new world of marital bliss. Dove release thanks to Ivan's White Doves (
 Sweet showerings of love from friends and family - happy days
 Anton and Zola's take on marriage - 'a walk in the park' 
 Thanks to RetroPhotobooth for keeping the guests entertained whilst I borrowed the bride and groom for a quick private photoshoot (

 Bridesmaids dresses adding a sense of cool minty calm to the heat of the day ( and striking refreshing parasols from Sugarbird Wedding Favours (
Beginning the traditional Zulu wedding celebration. Notice that only Anton is wearing the impressive leopard skin as this animal is revered as the king of predators and only those of an elevated social position wear its skin. (
King Anton for just one day: The 'amaShoba' are cow tails worn on the upper arms and below the knees to give the appearance of greater bulk to the body. 
          Traditional Zulu dancing is an important part of the Zulu culture which involves high-stepping and stamping the ground in rhythm, with all the dancers in unison and arranged in a line. Arms are raised high, often bearing decorated weapons and shields. (

 Bringing in the bride, amidst a sea of colour, dance and pure rhythmic energy. The veil of beads worn on Zola's head is to show respect to her inlaws (
 Brooms  made out of grass are significant in the Zulu tradition used by the woman to sweep the air within an "umshanelo wotshani" and cleanse the bride's new home for her and signifies a welcoming of the new mama into the community. (
There are special wedding songs and dances called ‘umBholoho’ and form a structured ritual to channel mutual antagonism between families of the bride and groom. Families take turns to outdo each other in beautiful dancing and song.
 The brides most impressive adornment is her beautiful and sturdy hat called Isicholos which are made by an impressive weaving of both grass and palm fronds together.
Solo sessions

Zulu beadwork is wonderfully interesting as it is used to convey messages with  colour, pattern, order, and relative amounts of color all conveying meaning. Generally white is purity of love, pink for poverty, yellow for wealth, and black in quantity is for widowhood.Married women wear a beaded cover over their breasts with a message understood only by their husbands. (

 The highlight of a Zulu wedding is the 'antagonistic' dancing between the family of the bride and groom, as well as the brides own dance where she kicks her leg high in order to show her mother that she is a virgin. (

 The Zulu bride is placed on a straw matt whilst her bridesmaids and sisters bring gifts and furniture including pillows, blankets and brooms (

King and Queen of hearts adoring the stage at Moyo, Spier
Their wedding cake classically adorned with touches of the most revered animal print of the leopard, as is Anton's seductive and stylish leopard print shirt and shoes

 Moyo restaurant at Spier - true South African hospitality with a touch of class and cuisine to caress the belly (
Time to get down and boogie
Mothers of the bride completing this rainbow nation of colour

Zola proudly sporting her third outfit for the day. It is tradition in the Zulu culture to change your outfits at least three times on your wedding day, to show off how beautiful she is in different colours to her in-laws.